Crew Management
We regard top-class crew at all rating and officer levels as being the key to professional ship operations and as being a calling card for our partners. In addition to a good level of qualification; communication, team spirit and loyalty of the crew play an essential part in every type of ship operation. Professional recruitment and the personnel management of the USC Group ensure the presence of qualified partial or complete crews on those ships managed. We carry out job interviews, draw up relief and rotation schedules and check the crew costs. The organisation of individual career planning, high crew satisfaction and a comprehensive range of training courses are the focus of ongoing development of our crews. USC Crew GmbH provides customised personnel solutions for various kinds of job specifications while meeting the highest quality standards.
Please find more information under USC Crew.

Technical Management
International shipping trade demands professional maintenance which conforms to standards within complex plant operations. Our experienced inspectors have themselves been to sea for decades as captains and engineers, and possess substantial experience in ship operations from the overall ship and shipping company perspective. We ensure an exemplary performance on land and
at sea through competence, reliability and quality. We take on the entire technical and nautical management of our partner ships 365 days of the year. This includes daily communication with the ship’s command, maintenance planning, replacement parts logistics, purchasing, insurance and quality management. Our inspectors take care of maintenance and repair management,
certification and much more. Our joint aim is to minimize operating costs, increase availability remain technically fit for the future.
Commercial and Financial
We take care for the thorough execution for the investments from start to end. Right from initiating a project including the set-up of adequate national and international structures, through implementing an ongoing liquidity and currency management until the sale of a ship and the final liquidiation. We implement reporting structures, monitor the correct charter execution and operational expenses via goal-oriented analyses with due diligence. It is the aim of our commercial management to operate longterm, solid investments in a structured manner to the satisfaction of our shipowners and investors and gain our partners trust through full transparency.
HSEQ Management
We combine respect of laws and standards relating to health, safety at work, the environment and quality (HSEQ) with our responsibility towards our partners and the environment. We rigorously implement current policies such as the ISM code
and the latest safety regulations. As owner of the Document of Compliance for supervised shipping companies, we jointly meet all requirements together with our in-house partner company, ShipCo Safety GmbH. With its knowledge of maritime law and international experience ShipCo Safety
provides individual solutions for environmental protection and safety management, from administrative aspects to the all-round care of shipping companies. New and proven management systems are used according to needs and internal audits at our partners may be carried out both by ShipCo Safety and by the USC team.